We had a selection of exhibits from the Quilters Guild Suitcase Collection.
These have been contributed by CQ members from first-timers to well-known professional quilters showcasing 51 interpretations of the theme 'Something Completely Different' using a range of techniques and media enriched by their background stories. We enjoyed, and analysed these A3-size quilts - safe to say there was something for everyone in this amazing collection. We cannot shsow photographs of members' work here, but there are some examples in the Suitcase Collection. We followed this up with tips/prompts for designing quilt squares.
We had our AGM and finance update. Thanks to all the committee, especially the Exhibition organisers, and thanks to Lisa, and welcome to Mavis. Sandra Meech was our speaker, who has spent much time in Canada and Somerset. Her inspiration comes from her location, journeys and how her art responds to her surroundings. Her techniques include mark making, mono prints and stitching from her many sketchbooks.
Further information is here: https://www.sandrameech.com/ Amanda came to our November meeting and shared her inspirational work with nature and especially fungi. Her textiles journey has taken her from botanical illustrations to 3D work and she shared some of her materials and techniques with us. She has exhibited widely and had features in World of Interiors magazine as well as The Embroidery Magazine.
Further information is here: https://www.amandacobbett.com/ Vanessa's background was in fashion and textiles, and she shared her influences of maps, journeys and connections made. She spoke of her work at Winchester Discovery Centre - organising and storage of her work and workbooks and how museums do the same, and how we need to use them. Further info here.
It was great to see examples of her work. https://vanessarolf.co.uk/ Darren was our guest speaker in January, and brought examples of his intricate work to show us.
Following the AGM we welcomed Emilia Biddlescombe and Amy Stevens, two 2023 textile graduates from UCA who shared the inspiration for their final year projects. They had brought a variety of examples of their work and explained some of the techniques to us. After lunch they lead an off-loom weaving workshop, where we created our own woven textile piece. We shared resources and made a variety of useful mug mats! AGM – Reports were given from the Committee, and all the Committee were happy to stand again for 2024. Many thanks to them all!
In September ‘23 our visiting speaker was Emily Tull. She graduated in 2000 as a painter and her training was in fine art, even though her family were seamstresses! She has exhibited widely, and won many awards. In 2006 she made first stitched piece - a sketched portrait in black thread, she wanted more detail than she was achieving in paint.
News and progress from the group Categories
February 2025