Instructions on using For those people wanting to send photos to Sandy please find below instructions on how to use You will need to know which folder on your pc contains the photo you want to transfer. 1. To open in another window, click here . 2. The website may offer for you to "Get WeTransfer Plus", in which case, click the "skip" button. 3. The website will ask you to accept the Terms and Conditions, click "I agree". 4. The website will show a box looking like this: 5. Click "+ Add files" - this will open a window for you to find the folder that contains your photo. Find the correct folder and then select by the photoby double clicking on the photo.
6. Click "+Friends email" and enter Sandy's email address. 7. Click "+Your email" and enter your email address. 8. Add a message with your name and the title of your piece of work (to make life easier for Sandy). 9. Click "Transfer" and you're done.
I was fortunate enough to visit New Zealand earlier this year and was inspired by a piupiu skirt I saw in the Te Papa Tongarewa (Museum of New Zealand). A piupiu is a skirt-like garment made of flax strands that hang from a waistband. The leaves of the New Zealand flax are first stripped back to the fibre in regular sections, leaving sections of unstripped leaf in between. The loose fibres are then twisted together by a spinning action. These strands are boiled and dried so they whiten and roll into tubes. Then they are dyed black, only the exposed fibre takes the dye, creating a striped black and white effect. Finally, the strands are attached to a woven waistband. I was also inspired by the fabulous scenery at Doubtful Sound. The photo doesn't do justice to the fantastic greens and the silvery waterfalls. I made some fabric beads by rolling a triangular piece of fabric around a knitting needle and heating with a heat gun. I used the same technique on large flower shaped sequins and then strung them together: I made several different sizes of these hanging strands and put them together to make a necklace. I had to insert spacer fabric beads to get them to hang properly. Any suggestions on the best way to display this are most welcome.
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February 2025